Take the Hits

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Take the Hits

I have conversations every day with entrepreneurs in the corporate training industry who are working hard to grow their businesses. A few are experiencing amazing success right now, more are working harder than ever just to maintain, and many are struggling to keep their businesses afloat.

But virtually every one of them, from raging success to gut wrenching failure, has to deal with obstacles, roadblocks, and seemingly insurmountable problems. Those who are struggling may THINK they are dealing with more problems, but it isn't always so. The impression that I have from these conversations is that the most successful are often dealing with HUGE challenges, and they OFTEN fail. But they are ready, willing and able to face into every problem, take the hits, sometimes fail, sometimes succeed, but always keep moving on.

Whereas most others allow themselves to get derailed by a significant failure, or a tough problem that doesn't have a clear solution. And for those people, I think their best advice comes from Sylvester Stallone who wrote the script for "Rocky Balboa" (last movie in the series) in 2006:




I wish someone had taken the time to have this talk with me when I was a young man. I spent way too much time "licking my wounds" and lamenting about the unfairness fo it all. When I look back now, all of that time was wasted. I would have been much better off if I would simply have stood up and pushed myself back into the arena, shaken off the self-doubt, and moved on.

And oh by the way, if you are wondering if the photo at the top of this blog post was selected just to grab attention and drive more traffic, you're right.