Closing the sale can be fun and easy, for both the customer and the salesperson.

Yes, it's true. "Closing" does not have to be the painful and stressful part of a sales presentation. It can be an easy, natural progression of a consultative sales conversation.

Salespeople are under pressure to close more sales, and close them more quickly. Customers, on the other hand, are taking longer to make decisions and are more likely to pit vendors against each other in order to drive the price as low as possible.

So in this environment how do you close more sales, and how do you close them more quickly?

The One Minute Closer is a training program designed to help salespeople develop a specific process and skills to enhance their closing capabilities in today's market. Salespeople learn how to:

  • Present solutions that are unique and provide compelling value to the customer.

  • Structure their offers or proposals so that there is a natural urgency.

  • Develop questioning and \presentation skills that move the customer to quick action without creating a "high pressure" feeling.

  • Develop and follow a specific closing process.

This workshop can be delivered as a stand-alone training module or integrated into a complete sales training workshop. It is fully compatible with most mainstream consultative selling approaches. This module is available in several delivery formats:

  • Onsite workshop

  • e-learning

  • podcast

  • Video DvD















I need to be able to close more sales, and close them more quickly.

But my customers seem to be delaying decisions longer than ever before.

And applying pressure just makes me look desperate.