R.E.A.L. Negotiation Workshop
This is by far our most intensive training. This high impact “real world” negotiation skills training is ideal for companies who want remote virtual delivery. Get paired up as a sourcing professional or sales professional and negotiate your way through negotiation simulation role-plays using our world-first negotiation gaming platform. We focus most of our time together negotiating, followed by reviewing your negotiation skills, with a minimum of video or powerpoint theory.

Key Workshop Outcomes
- Learn how to maximize commercial value.
- Understand the differences between win-win, win-lose and lose-lose.
- Exchange vital information, including using insightful questions.
- Evaluate trade-offs, including financial vs. non-financial goals.
- Handle negotiation complexity, including trading using package offers.
- Gain experience negotiating online role-plays via the phone, video conference or chat.
- Employ various negotiation styles, such as competing and collaborating.
- Identify your negotiation strengths and weaknesses, while gaining valuable practice in a risk-free learning environment.
- Gain experience negotiating virtual online simulation exercises from different industries, with others of different styles and cultures.
- Learn from your remote facilitator’s expert feedback and coaching from everyone’s graphs.
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